Technical Platform
The optimisation of the Information System was based on:
- The already available tools that were a acquired at the previous phases of the SASS project, namely the following soft-wares:
- MS ACCESS and MapObjects LT for the SAGESS interface.
- Arcview 3.2 and ArcGis 9 to update the GIS data. The data are transferred to PosgreSQL database using a Shp2pgsql data loader.
- Open source solutions, especially for the use of new soft-wares.
Data management
The SASS III database is shared by all users authorized to access or update data. The SAGESSE management interface is installed at client-workstations that are connected to the local network.
The soft-wares used include:
- Server: The PosgreSQL DBMS + Postgis spatial extensions
- Operating systems Windows XP and others, including Windows 64 bits.
- ODBC for PostgreSQL
- MS ACCESS to operate SAGESSE
- Mapobjects LT version 2.0
GEOSASS map server
- MS4W 3.0.6 including :
- WEB Apache server, version 2.2.22
- PHP 5.4.3
- Mapserver 6.0.3
- OpenLayers 2.13.1
- JQuery 1.9.1
- Proj 4.4.3